
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Day 12 MMM'19: For All You Mothers

Out There.    And for those that aren't (myself included).  Celebrate!  yeah.

~ I'm so Pink, I'm so Pink, I'm Pink, I'm Pink, I'm Pink ~

Not to paraphrase Scot Richard Case and I'm So Glad, but when you're feeling it...  Go on, give it a listen.  Just a little will do ya.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand

~ front ~
I'm wearing a pinkish silk dupioni dress made from Tina Givens Mila dress pattern that I've worn previously

~ and back ~

~ plus a little closer view ~
What's new here are my pale pink linen pants with a bit of the silk as an insert.  Made from Tina Givens Tessa pants pattern.

By now you must've noticed my super groovy pale pink suede shoes
~ ahuh,  from ebay, of couse ~

Hold on.   I simply had to top everything off with that newly made pinkish velvet coat.

~ yesh, I just had to ~
Last worn here.

~ really, they were made for each other ~

~ aww, like an Easter bunny or some thing ~

I'll be linking up with Patti at Not Dead Yet Style and Catherine's I Will Wear What I Like when they go live.  And now, just when I need it the most, Cheri's ended her Shoe & Tell!!!  Well, thanks anyway, Cheri, for all the good times.



  1. Love that old song, and I'm So Glad you linked to it. You look so groovy in your pinks. xo

    1. I didn't know if anyone but an old Detroiter like myself would've heard of it. hehe. But I should've known someone as cool as you would know all the words even! woo-hoo.

  2. i missed this post yesterday but i'm so glad i found it this morning. what a treat! i especially love how the pants with the silk inset coordinates with the dress. just lovely! that particular blush of pink really suits you, too - xoxo

    1. I do luv pink. I hadn't even noticed the insert when I started making the Tessa pants. I want to make more of them. It's such a great way to use up scraps of fabric to an advantage.

  3. Allllll the pinks!! Ah I have oink eye! Just joking. I love the foil the silver lining gives. I feel there is a metaphore in there somewhere :-)
    xo Jazzy Jack

    1. ahaha, like the sow's ear. It is all a piggy kind of pink now isn't?

  4. THAT VELVET COAT! OMG I could see a whole series of photo shoots with that baby (ala the Traveling Yellow Skirt).
    That deconstructed dipioni dress is the bomb! I would overaccessorize that so you could actually hear me walking down the street.

    1. Ahh, yes the TYS. But that Velvet Coat ain't going nowhere after all the blood, sweat and tears that came with its making.
      And here my only accessory is the MMM pin opposite the same size button on the dress. Maybe I could make a taffeta slip to wear with it for sound effects. yeah.

  5. Oh my word that velvet cloak is amazing! I wear a lot of pink, but tend to temper it with a bit of grey or blue. It does work in a block though - I will need to be braver!

    1. I recently was on a kick of wearing all one color and now just automatically reach for it. I like the over-saturated-ness of it. Talk about being matchy-matchy!

  6. Hey, I know that song too! Love your pink outfit very muchly.

    1. Alright! Who knew their popularity was so widespread?
      It's part of the monochromatic-ness we talked about once upon a time.

    2. Hey, I'm not Unknown, I'm pao. This computer doesn't recognize me and I haven't figured out how to do anything on it yet!!!!!!!!!! See today's post MAY DAY! MAY DAY!
