
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Day 23 MMM'19: And Now for Something...

...Completely Weird 

~ Am I right? ~

~ No matter what the pose... ~

 It still reads weird.

~ yep ~

This was something I whipped up today to wear with something else.  And, of course, it didn't work out.  But it also didn't work by itself.  So rather than waste all that effort, I thought why not go over-the-top, whack-a-doodle weird. 

~ So here I am ~

If you want the info, I used some stretch mesh I had in stash and New Look pattern 6533.  It didn't look like this on the model - lower waist and not nearly so loose and wide.

I traced off the helmet hat I bought from Secret Lentil to make my own raw canvas one.  Haven't decided on a dye job yet.

Pants I've had forever.  They were called crochet beach cover up pants, I believe.

Oh, the stockings are the cutest things.  They're little lace footies with long elastic straps that you wrap around and around your legs and tie.  Perfect for see through pants, I might add.

~ paired with Jeffrey Campell silver flatforms from ebay ~

I'll be linking up with Judith's Hat Attack! for this one.  Come on by, won't you?

Until later,


  1. those lace footie leg wraps are fantastic! i must investigate further...

    1. I don't recall how or when I stumbled across them, but they are great and you can't even feel they're on.

  2. That is quite an oolahlah split you have there, especially with see through pants going on!
    Love the helmet.
    xo Jazzy Jack

    1. Yes, it's not really weird, it's more like ridiculous.

  3. No, it's so over the top it's on top and doing a happy dance. And I'm sticking by that.

    1. Well, that you ma'am for that endorsement from one who knows.

  4. Weird is's an unusual combination, even by my standards, but it makes me smile, so I'll give it two thumbs up. I am so digging those pants and wrap-around sock thingys.

    1. I actually have the pants in white too. And who ever thought of the sockettes really had a brainstorm.
